Interest Rate Dated: 20.07.2024

Loan/Advance Interest rate wef 10.08.2023 (Based on BR)
Rate of Interest on Loan & Advances w.e.f. 10.08.2023
S.No Loan & Advance Type BR 7.42%
Housing Loan - Residential (Floating Interest Rate upto 140.00 Lacs) CIBIL -1 and 700 or above 8.75% (BR + 1.05)
CIBIL score below 700 9.30% (BR + 1.60)
Real Estate Loans (Floating ) 4% more than the maximum interest rates applicable on Fixed Deposit of Senior Citizens.
Mortgage Loan/ LAP Loan (Floating) 12.30% (BR + 4.60)
Mortgage OD/ LAP OD (Floating) 11.80% (BR + 4.10)
For Liquor Trade (CC & TLN) 14.05% (BR + 6.35)
Two wheelersVehicle loan 10.55% (BR + 2.85)
Transport (Vehicle) loan (for commercial Vehicle) 10.30% (BR + 2.60)
For Old Commercial Vehicle Loans 11.55% (BR + 3.85)
Car Loan (for personal use) floating 9.85% (BR +2.15 )
Interest Rate on Car Loan disbursed dated 15-05-2017
Cibil Score upto -1 & 770 or above (w.e.f. 15.05.2017) 8.85% (BR + 1.15)
Cibil Score less than 770 (w.e.f. 15-05-2017) 9.05% (BR + 1.35)
Interest Rate for Old Personal Vehicle Loans 10.80% (BR + 3.10)
For Stone Crushers (TLN) Floating 11.15% (BR + 3.45)
For Stone Crushers (CC) Floating 10.50% (BR + 2.80)
WCTL/Term Loan For Small industries, Professional & Self Employed/ Wholesale and Retailers (Floating)
Less than Rs.50 Lac 11.05% (BR + 3.35)
Rs.50 Lac to Less than Rs. 200 Lac 10.80% (BR + 3.10)
Rs.200 Lac and Above 10.55% (BR + 2.85)
CC Limit (Cash Credit)
CC Book Debts(Contractors/Aarhti/Transporter) (Floating) 11.05% (BR + 3.35)
Less than Rs.50 Lac 10.55% (BR + 2.85)
Rs.50 Lac to Less than Rs. 200 Lac 10.55% (BR + 2.85)
Rs.200 Lac and Above 10.30% (BR + 2.60)
For Doctors/Hospitals & Nursing Home (TLN/CC) floating Up to Rs. 100 Lac 9.80% (BR + 2.10)
For Doctors/Hospitals & Nursing Home (TLN/CC) floating Above Rs. 100 Lac 9.30% (BR + 1.60)
OD Business for Doctors (Floating) 9.30% (BR + 1.60)
For Educational societies/ institutions (Floating) Less than Rs.100 Lac 10.45% (BR + 2.75)
For Educational societies/ institutions (Floating) Rs.100 Lac and Above 9.95% (BR + 2.25)
OD Business for Educational institutions (Floating) 10.45% (BR + 2.75)
Loan for Agriculture/Tractor (Floating) 9.75% (BR + 2.05)
Term Loan for Flour mills/rice mills/Oil mills/ Seed Plant (Floating) 9.20% (BR + 1.50)
CC Limit for Flour mills/rice mills/Oil mills / Seed Plant (Floating) 8.90% (BR + 1.20)
Education Loan 10.80% (BR + 3.10)
TOD / OD / Cheque Discounting etc. 2% above from the limit sanctioned Rate & In allied agricultural advances ROI will be 1% above from the limit sanctioned Rate.
OD Business 11.70%(BR + 4.00)
Loan for consumption / Personal loan (Floating) 13.45% (BR + 5.75)
Gold Loan (Fixed Rate) 10.70% (BR + 3.00)
Demand Loan Business In allied agricultural loans ROI will be 1% above from the allied agriculture term loan product. 11.45%(BR + 3.75)
Festival Loan/ Bank Mitra Scheme (Fixed Rate) 11.00% (BR + 3.30)
OD/ Loan on demand against FDRs, if these are on the name of borrower himself or third party. (Floating) 1.00% more than IR payable on security
Loan/ OD against NSC, IVP, KVP / Government bonds, LIC SV including of third party. (Floating) Above Rs. 10.00 lac 9.50% (BR + 1.80)
Up to Rs. 10.00 lac 11.00% (BR + 3.30)
Interest rate on loans other than for above activities (Floating) 12.80% (BR + 5.10)
C.C. Renewal Charges
Upto Rs.1 Lac Rs. 1000/-
Above Rs.1 Lac upto Rs.3 Lac Rs.1500/-
Above Rs.3 Lac upto Rs.5 Lac Rs. 2000/-
Above Rs.5 Lac upto Rs.10 Lac Rs. 3000/-
Above Rs.10 Lac Rs.3,500/-Or 0.1% whichever be more. Maximum Rs.10,500/-
Processing fees Maximum Rs. 3.00 Lakhs (Not applicable for Loans/Advances for Liquor Trade)
for housing loan Minimum Rs.1,000/- or 0.5% of sanctioned amount, whichever is more.
for house renovation/repairing Minimum Rs.1,000/- or 0.5% of sanctioned amount, whichever is more.
for Car Loan Minimum Rs.500/- or 0.5% of sanctioned amount, whichever is more.
for Two wheeler Car Loan Minimum Rs.500/- or 1% of sanctioned amount, whichever is more.
for Commercial Vehicle Minimum Rs.500/- or 0.5% of sanctioned amount, whichever is more.
for Personal Loan Minimum Rs.500/- or 1% of sanctioned amount, whichever is more.
for Consumption Loan Minimum Rs.500/- or 1% of sanctioned amount, whichever is more.
For Education Loan
1- Education within India Minimum Rs.500/- or 0.5% of sanctioned amount, whichever is more.
2- Education outside India Minimum Rs.500/- or 1% of sanctioned amount, whichever is more.
for Mortgage Loan Minimum Rs.500/- or 1% of sanctioned amount, whichever is more.
Bank Mitra Yojna Minimum Rs.500/- or 0.5% of sanctioned amount, whichever is more.
Real Estate (Future Rent Receivables) Minimum Rs.500/- or 1% of sanctioned amount, whichever is more.
On Temporary Overdraft Rs. 1000/-
On Bank Guarantee 2% (for liquor business 3%)
If Bank Guarantee is fully secured with tangible (liquid) securities 0.75%
for Others Minimum Rs.500/- or 0.50% of sanctioned amount, whichever is more.

Note :- In M.S.M.E. Loan/Advance accounts where Udyam Certificate is obtained, interest relaxation of 0.75% will be provided from 01/10/2022.

Note:- Interest rates on loans other than agriculture will be on yearly basis and will be compounded monthly.